
Strong, powerful visuals can convey and unlock so much – emotion, understanding, story – so I try to keep my skills sharp with different exercises. My work typically starts lo-fi with pencil and paper. I like to work messy at first, and let concepts/ideas develop into a compelling narrative. Then, I’ll move into digital to paint and play with color, supplying the polish to entice a viewer into the picture.

Inspired by the Oregon coast and my kids at play…

Joshua Tree

I love Hendrix…hate drawing hands.


How I felt during COVID (NOTE: emotional portrait…not physical)

Portrait of my beautiful wife

Birthday present for Dad. He loves all things from the wild west.

A concept image for Sierra Nevada, as they explore how to communicate dangers to indigenous populations around the world…recognizing how environments frame and enhance key story moments.

Concept art for a Dallas Zoo ma

Concept art for Atari’s Mission Impossible 3 video game.

Just practice.

Just trying pastels…